June 15, 2012

Vacation, Day 4 - shopping!

We had some really nasty wind late last night and when we got up this morning, the water was really choppy and it was still pretty darn windy. So, I did what any mom who is worried about her children being in the choppy Gulf of Mexico would do.

We jumped in the car and went shopping.

Yep, just a few miles up the road is the Tanger Outlet Center in Foley, AL. With a Coach outlet. Oh, I've been looking forward to this for weeks. But, alas, I struck out in that store. I'm still stumped by that one. Don't get me wrong - there was a good selection and I saw several that I did like. But those, of course, were not part of the "extra 50%" selection that I was trying to pick from and I couldn't justify spending $200 on a purse, no matter what the original price of it was.

So, the majority of the shopping that was done was for John.

Yes, you read that right. I spent more while shopping buying things for the kitchen that my husband wanted than I ended up spending on myself. I think the best part of the morning was when I was in Coldwater Creek and Alex picked out a dress that he decided I just had to have. I told him I thought it would be too long for me and he agreed by saying "You're right. Maybe when you grow another inch it won't be too long for you and you can get it then."

Nothing like a little 7 year old honesty to make you feel even shorter than you already are.

After shopping, we made the hour drive over to Pensacola to take Alex to spend the night with his best friend who moved there from Memphis last summer. Joey had no clue we were on our way - think he was excited to see Alex?

That left us as a family of 3 for the night, so we let Anthony decide what we would do, which ended up being going to go drive go karts and play another round of mini golf. When we got back, we went ahead and walked down to the beach for a few minutes before heading to the pool for a little bit.

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